Carbon Balancing
World Land Trust
World Land Trust (WLT) is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats acre by acre.
Sir David Attenborough has supported World Land Trust since it was founded in 1989 and became WLT’s official Patron in 2003.
Carbon Balanced Print
Carbon Balanced Production Printing is where we calculate the carbon footprint of each print job, reduce or optimise the process wherever possible and then offset the remaining, unavoidable emissions. The World Land trust will then purchase the equivalent in land and we pay for it, so the planet doesnt have too!
Carbon Balanced Paper
A paper product becomes Carbon Balanced when the emissions associated with its production are balanced (offset). Contributions to the Carbon Balanced programme are used to protect land from deforestation and degradation, ensuring carbon remains locked-up within these invaluable ecosystems and their trees can continue to absorb CO2.